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Punch Cards

Punch Card Template (free samples)

Customize and print a punch card template. Click here to see all templates

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Punch Card System
( click here to see punch card templates )

For retail and service related businesses, punch card programs are most often an effective and inexpensive sales tool in increasing traffic and sales. A well designed punch card program has been shown, in many studies and surveys, to increase sales within minimal overhead cost with an increase in the degree of customer loyalty.

Below are examples of Punch Cards template we've designed. To see more templates click here. All of our punch cards templates can be customized.

Everyone's common sense tells them that it is critical for any size company to stand out from their competition -- especially if they are a small business or franchise owner and especially so during a tough economy. Your overall objective in doing a punch card, rewards, frequent buyer punch card that is a success should be simple: TO INCREASE SALES.
One of the key ingredients of success in using customer rewards punch card cards is making the program simple and clear to the end customer and that it does not take too long for the customer "to cash in" and receive the benefit you are offering. Avoid weasel clauses as much as possible as they taint the overall IMPRESSION of the program's value to end consumer.

There are several different types of punch card rewards punch card programs that seem to work well for small businesses or local franchises --

•             FREEBIE after reaching some pre-determined purchase level. Example: Buy 9 get 1 free.
•             CASH REWARD after reaching a purchase level. A credit after filling the rewards card usually results in the customer buying something they would not have purchased on their own dollar -- which increases sales as well as punch card.
•             DISCOUNT either up front (10% off card), or various other discount possibilities after filling the punch card ($10 off next purchase, 20% off next purchase, or some other scenario which would make the average person feel good). This concept works very well in the Good, Better, Best client scenarios (Gold Card, Silver Card, Platinum or Diamond Card holder.)
•             UPGRADE REWARDS -- for the most punch card, giving some kind of an upgrade product or service once they have reached a purchase level. For salons, this might be some nail polish or hand massage after having spent $x. For coffee / ice cream establishments, this might mean getting an upgraded order (small to large) or an add-on product (which also introduces the customer to a higher profit margin product that s/he might not have tried on their own dime).



Print Options

You can print this punch card on several different type of card stocks. Basic and most affordable is: 16pt heavy card stock, 14pt medium card stock and 10pt light card stock. 16pt and 14pt card stocks come with UV gloss or matte finish (same price, your choice). You may also have UV gloss on one side, and matte on the back. 10pt card stock come in semi-gloss AQ coating. You can also choose from card stocks such as: 16pt silk laminate, plastic and holographic. If you want to make a last impression you can add and add high grade metallic foils with spot UV.

For free print samples click here.
  • 3.5" x 2" – Coffee Punch Card Templates
  • Choose from eleven types of premium card stock.
  • Save $25 on every future reprint of this same card.
  • 2-4 Average Day printing
  • Customize with your logo, images, colors, punches and text.
Punch Card Printing Options:

UV Glossy Punch Cards

Ultra UV Gloss on Heavy 16pt or 14pt card stock.


Matte Punch Cards

A coated paper finish that is flat, not shiny like a gloss, but still keeps much of the ink from being absorbed by the paper and produces an excellent image. Matte/ Dull finish is applied to all 14pt jobs and 16pt jobs unless it is Spot UV.


Silk Laminate Punch Cards

Silk Laminated cards are new in the market and have elegant and unique texture. They come in 16PT full color options and are laminated with special material that gives the cards a very pleasant Silky texture. Silk Foil: We offer 2 types of foil, Silver and Gold. Each order can only have one type of foil, Gold or Silver. You can't order a Foil Worx job with Gold foil on the front and Silver foil on the back.


Akuafoil Metallic Foil Punch Cards

Radiance never seen before – dazzle you can afford! Akuafoil gives you a wide range of CMYK colors with a sparkling foil finish and an ideal reflection that is priced to give you a true competitive advantage. State-of-the-art features allow you to produce large solid areas as well as reversed out areas of foil. You can produce foiled half tones, gradients and have multiple colors in foil on the same design. The design possibilities are limited only by your imagination, giving your customers an exquisite edge.


Plastic Punch Cards

Plastic Cards are a great way to put your business in the lead! They offer thousands of practical and promotional applications. We are able to offer Plastics at super affordable prices Plastic Cards are very durable and printed on 20PT Plastic Opaque White, Frosted, and Clear stocks. With these cards, sky is the limit! Please note when designing, Frosted cards are transparent.


Holograph - 4D Lenticular Prints Punch Cards

Add a new dimension to your prints! Holographic 4D Lenticular Prints is a new product that offers you dimensional print to deliver twice the message in the same print.


Linen Cards

All Linen stock is 30% recycled material. Linen Text and Cover allows your print products to gain a unique feel and texture. It can enhance the appearance of your business package and will certainly make a grand impression. Available on a variety of products, our 100 lb Linen Cover in quantities of up to 500 will be printed on high tech digital equipment.


Water Proof Punch Cards

EndurACE is a truly unique product consisting of special materials that make it water proof, resilient, and give it a durability that will last for many years. EndurACE gives you the ability to get maximum exposure out of each card. They are great for restaurant menus, emergency services, insurance cards, business cards and many other creative ideas. EndurACE is a 10pt thick stock which has the feel and body of our 100lb paper stock. For samples, please request a sample kit from our product list.


Fold Over Punch Cards

3.5 x 4"